Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Give your classmates feedback

Give your classmates two pieces of warm feedback and two pieces of cool feedback after you explore their project (read their website, complete their webquest, listen to their podcast, etc...)
Your post should be in this format:
List the names of the group members you are reviewing, their project format (website, movie, etc.)
List your names.
Two pieces of warm feedback. This feedback should be specific, and phrased like "I liked that you..."
Two pieces of cool feedback. This should also be specific, and should be phrased like "For improvement, I would suggest..." Be polite and constructive with cool feedback.


Anonymous said...

Jane Chuprin, Bianka Lazarus, Joey Gillespie - website. Reviewers: Madeleine Higgins, Janice Bautista. Warm: We liked that you included a lot of great information and went in depth on even more complicated topics like the superstring theory. Impressive! Good job making it conversational as well as informative. Cool: Maybe you could include a few more pictures/ diagrams, and more on the current atomic model. Overall, really great job though.

Anonymous said...

Michael Ward
Betty Yu, Zetian Zhou

The website was really informative and included many different experiments which helped explain the founding of the atomic model as we know it today.

It was also very organize and information was easy to find.

It would have helped if the spelling and grammar was looked over and corrected.

Some of the explanations were a bit confusing and would have helped if they were laid out a bit more clearly.

Anonymous said...

Nick and Dan
mathilde and megan

1. lots of effort and detail
2. nice layout!

1. Lots of words
2. Some irrelevant information

Anonymous said...

Joey McCourt, Seth Occeus, Jun Wei Wang

W@rm: we liked the student evaluation--- the categories were very fair. Also, the powerpoint was well done, a good idea, and very imformative

co0l: For improvement, we would suggest more images because it makes it more visually appealing. second- we thought the process page could have been more organized.

excellent job!

Anonymous said...

michelle yee and van pham
mabel ye and michelle mei
we enjoyed your website very much because it was very organized and detailed. super duper informative and easy to naviagte.
the only thing that might be able to be improved is that the background could be a bit distracting but that doesn't matter because the website was good. :')

Anonymous said...

Rudnitskaya, Lyubov & Meaghan Callahan Website + Podcast
Reviewer: Van Pham

Warm:I clicked on it and i wanted to see more since it was so colorful and comic-like! The pictures you used are very accurate with regards to the description and the print is easy to read since it's so large. Very informative!

Cool: I don't know if it's just me, but the site lags a lot, and no matter how good a site is, I'm not staying on it if it lags like crazy...though other than technical problems, I would recommend leaving breaks between the information; it looks like a large mass of words, which I found to be very intimadating!

Anonymous said...

Adriana Snow & Malcolm Nachmanoff Video
Reviewer: Van Pham

Warm: I thought it was very refreshing to have funny clips while you guys explained the atomic model; it's good to take breaks when you learn!

Cool: I think close up one the pictures you choose to present would make people more focused on what the experiment is as you talk about it. So the picture will register into their brain and that will be associated with your words :).

Anonymous said...

Madeleine Higgins, Janice Bautista
Reviewed by : Willens Jean-Jules

Warm: I liked your home page, because it gave a very good introduction about what the website was going to be about
I also liked how detailed and accurate the information was.
Cool: I would suggest using a bit more pics, because all those words look intimidating

Anonymous said...

Jeremiah Link
Reviewed by: Joey Gillespie
Great project overall. Thoroughly discussed all of the experiments and events that made todays model. Explained topics that most projects did not.
Could have used a little more action/expression. Music drowns out voice in some parts.

Anonymous said...

Nancy H. and Ivy N.
reviewed by: Van P., Michelle Y.

We liked the fact it was a conversation.
We also liked the pictures, they are very interesting.

For improvement, we think that the navigation of the site could be
bigger and more noticible.
We also think that the font could be a bit more creative, looking at
black over and over can be a bit tiring.

Anonymous said...

Quentin Li, website.
Reviewer: Janice B.

The ideas were very concise and organized in a well-put manner.
The pictures used were chosen well and were insightful according to the articles.

You've done well with the history of electron and neutron, so maybe more imformation about the proton may help sum up the atom as a whole.
The home page could have been more insightful, such as introducing the subtopics of the atom. It seemed a little short, and a picture may have also helped with that as well. :)

Anonymous said...

Benjamin S. & Anthony C.
Reviewer: Janice B.

I loved the effort of creating such a video! The animations and the rap must have been time consuming, and the end product was a job well done.
The method of carrying out the information was very informative; the pacing was good, the facts were educational in a way that was straight and to the point.

Is it possible to have the default volume higher than what it is? It was a little discourging when I found that I had to crank up my speakers to hear the video, but it's nothing major.
Since you brought up the subject of quantum theory, it may have been better to elaborate a little more on each kind. I think some more info on that would have been more satisfying.
Other than that, great job!

Anonymous said...

Willins Jean Jules website
Jeremiah Link

The site itself looked really cool because of the black theme. Also there was a lot of good information.

Cool:Although I liked all the information about the models I think you could have added a little more about the specific particles such as protons neutrons and quarks

Anonymous said...

Ayo E. & Teresa F.
Reviewer: Isabella R.

I really liked the acting, and the creativity of the plot. I also liked how you addressed (I believe) every single topic, and explained them all as if you were actually scientists. :)

I think both of you could have read a little less from a piece of paper, or could have at least hid it. Also, (maybe I missed it) but there were some topics missing such as the big bang?

Anonymous said...

Ayo, Teresa, James video
Reviewer: Anthony Cheung

Enthusiastic and classic. Though it was a lecture, the large print and casual language made it engaging. Lot's of info too!

There could be a more even distribution of roles in the project, but I'm sure behind the scenes everyone did their part. Also, having clear titles to each subject presented creates a more organized video.

Otherwise...it looks like ben and I have competition.

Anonymous said...

Ben Shanahan and Anthony Cheung
Reviewer: Adriana Snow

Warm: I liked how they used the comedy of rapping and word play [Atom Lambert] to keep you interested while also being really informative.

C00L: The volume was really low, so i had to strain myself to hear.

Van Pham and Michelle Yee

Warm: Their intro video was really cute, and everything on their webquest was really easy to follow. it was nice that they included both a video and a slide show in it, that explained the atom theories really well.

C00l: ... I'm not sure. They were pretty thorough.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Huang, Ivy Ngo
Reviewers: Nicole Forina, Jennifer Forde

Warm feedback: It was colorful and engaging. It was both interesting and educational.
Cool feedback: It didn't really go in depth about the history of the experiments that contributed to the atomic model. But other than that, it was really good.

Anonymous said...

Julie Sarah Bianca
viewed by: Jun Joey Quentin Kellie

Warm: We thought that the website was very detailed and had a lot of information. The games were really fun !
Cool: Maybe condense the information into fewer pages

Anonymous said...

James "Parker" Wilson, Tanzim Uddin
Reviewed by: Sarah Stutman, Bianca Trombetta, Julie Sprik

warm: Love the curious George reference (it was clever). The history was very detailed and the pictures were very nice images.

cool: It is great, however, you could improve by breaking up the paragraphs of text and clarifying the model page. Also, an animation would have been nice.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Mei and Mabel
Reviewed by: Van Pham, Michelle Yee

Warm: We liked the pictures. It is also very informative. It was also very thorough too.

Cool: Be a bit more creative with the text, like put each point as a different color, the ones that they stand out. The navigation through the site could be a bit bigger or else someone might skip over it.

Anonymous said...

Lyubov Rudnitskaya, Meaghan Callahan
reviewers: yanlee&cindy

warm: the layout is awesome :] we love that little info box for each person
cool: cant think of one...maybe more pictures?

Anonymous said...

Jane Chuprin, Joey Gillespie, Bianka Lazarus
Ivy Ngo, Nancy Huang

We like that you introduced your topic really well.
We like that you explained your atomic model very well.

For improvement we suggest that you revise more for grammar and spelling.
For improvement we suggest that you chose the most important events and experiments for the timelines.

Anonymous said...

Nuri, Ruby and Pat
Michael Ward, James De La Cruz, Willens Jean-Jules, Camille Platt

warm: we liked the pictures of the people. we also liked the birthday dates on the side
cold: not a lot of information about the experiments
you also did not explain your models

Anonymous said...

Janice & Maddie-website
reviewers-Josie, Chidimma & meaghan

warm- We liked the comics that were on the website. We also liked that you explained things very well.(ps- we liked the dinosaur ahah)

cool- Missing a few scientists. we can't think of anything else.

Anonymous said...

Isabella & Ashley(Red)-website
reviwers-Chidimma, Josie & Meaghan

warm-They had all the experiments & atomic models well explained. Their website was well set up.

cool-We can't really think of anything. We can't see all of the pictures(but that might just be the computer).

Anonymous said...

Jim Huang, Aubrey Griffin
Betty Yu, Zetian Zhou

It was laid out in an organized way.
Atomic Theory was explained really well.

It would have helped if you explained which model was on the home page.
Only electrons and nucleus were explained. It would have helped if protons and shells were explained too.

Anonymous said...

Admir Fehric
Reviewer: Ben and Jeremiah
warm: it was casual and easy to understand the content required

cool: more details and edit it for grammar

Anonymous said...

Matt and Miles Wright
Kathy Le, Winnie Wang
Warm Feedback:
the information is organized and easy to follow
good use of visuals
Cool feedback:
colors are distracting
subpages are not visible enough. its hard to find

Anonymous said...

Admir Fehric website.
reviewers: Kim and Victoria

warm: it was organized, professional-looking, informative, easy to read. we liked the photo gallery!

cool: "self explanatory" for each video

Meghilde Montgee said...

Kimberly Miller, Victoris Clancy
Reviewed by: Mathilde Montpetit, Meghan Magee

1. Good explanations of the experiments
2. Well-organized

1. Didn't explain the modern model of the atom
2. Could have included more experiments/inform,ation in general.

Anonymous said...

Ivy Ngo, Nancy Huang
Reviewers: Darria Taylor-Kelley, Anita Wo
Good setup with pictures conversation and colors
It could have been a little more in depth and talked more about other scientists and their contributions.

Anonymous said...

Dan Idontknowhowtospellyourlastname
and Sergeant Sergeant

warm: yo that was da illest. your stuff was informational and the presentation was maaaaad tight.

cool: yo, you mad cool too. add some sounds tho, cuz you know i be dozin in class. real talk.

Anonymous said...

Declan D'Arcy
Kathy Le, Winnie Wang
Warm feedback:
webquest is interseting and fun. very engaging
interesting way of presenting information and assessment
cool feedback:
the list is too long and makes it seem like the task will take a long time
we suggest that more visuals would be nice

Meghilde Montgee said...

Declan D'Arcy
Reviewed by: Meghilde Montgee

1. Very informational!
2. Fun way to learn about atoms; good staying in character.

1. Meghan thinks there should be mor subdivisions, Mathilde does not particularly care.
2. Activities demanded of those doign the webquest may be too difficult or inconvenient.

Anonymous said...

Joe McCourt, Seth O. & Wallace Wei-Wang.-Webquest

Reviewers: David Ho, Tony Tang

Warm: I think the webquest was well-organized and the links were helpful for the users of the webquest. We liked how the authors guided us through each process.

Cool: We feel the links were helpful but you guys should help the user locate relevant information for completeing each question. Usage of more images and explanations to go along with those images in the powerpoint would be helpful as well.

Anonymous said...

Grace and Wanli.
reviewers: Kim and Victoria

warm: great setup! Very intersesting and informational! Very well presented.

Cool: length of some articles made it slightly hard to follow/understand

Anonymous said...

Jim Huang, Aubrey Griffin
Reviewers: Darria Taylor-Kelley, Anita Wo
Easy to navigate, and information was written in a clear way.
We suggest that topics could have gone more in depth and the pictures could have been explained more.

Anonymous said...

for Ayo and Theresa's video:
Warm: I really liked how informational the video was and it was very well done. Also, I like how you were professional while speaking.
Cool: I really don't have much but perhaps it could have been alittle more exciting? but really, great.

Anonymous said...

Jeremiah's video::
warm: your video was amazing. i loved the legos and you had so much information! i was intrigued by your video editing and i learned a lot!
cold: the only thing was perhaps subtitles?

Anonymous said...

Yu Betty Zetian Zhou
from -teresa
warm: the detail about the experiments was very good and the diagrams for them were too

cool: a little more enthusiastic, but i was still able to pay attention

Anonymous said...

from- teresa
your video looked very professional the legos were a great idea!it made it a lot more interesting
but maybe not all legos/pictures all the time cause it got repetitive
overall it was wonderful!

seth said...

Bien-Aime Jhalen, Emma Turner

warm:It seems that the quiz was well-formatted so that students can learn by listening and seeing
cool: I suggest that maybe the evaluation could use a grading method so that kids will actually do it.

seth said...

warm: there was enough information that i would know what you were talking about even if i had no idea of what an atom was. The fact it wasn't weighed down with so much detail made it easy to understand.
cool: A little more information of the evolution from one model to the next would help clarify things even further.